Steve and Sharol Hayner's Joy in the Journey: A Testimony of Faith, Hope, and Love in the Face of Death
Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death Steve Hayner
What does it mean to live joyfully in the face of death? How can we find abundance in the midst of pain and loss? How can we share our journey with others who are walking with us or watching us? These are some of the questions that Steve and Sharol Hayner explore in their book Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death. This book is a collection of their posts on CaringBridge, a website that allows people to share updates and messages with their loved ones during a health crisis. Steve Hayner was serving as president of Columbia Seminary and was healthy and fit when he found out he had terminal pancreatic cancer in 2014. He and his wife Sharol embarked on a journey together with their children that soon included tens of thousands of visits from friends and acquaintances via CaringBridge. The overwhelming response to their posts on this website attested to the surprising and engaging way that they chose to live in the face of death. As a result they uncovered the remarkable truth that God, our good Shepherd, provides a feast for us when we are in the valley of the shadow of death as well as in the green pastures.
Joy In The Journey: Finding Abundance In The Shadow Of Death Steve Haynerl
This book is not only a memoir of Steve and Sharol's journey, but also a guide for anyone who is facing death or grief, or who wants to support someone who is. It is full of wisdom, honesty, humor, grace, and faith that will inspire and challenge you to live fully and joyfully no matter what you are going through. It is also a testimony to the power and beauty of God's presence, love, and promises that sustain us in our darkest moments. As Mark Labberton, president of Fuller Seminary, writes in the foreword, "This book is a gift of life in the midst of death."
The Journey of Steve Hayner
Steve Hayner was a beloved leader, teacher, mentor, and friend to many people around the world. He had a passion for God's mission and a vision for God's kingdom. He served as president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, professor of evangelism and church growth at Columbia Seminary, and pastor of several churches. He was also a husband, father, and grandfather who loved his family deeply and joyfully. He was known for signing his letters and emails with "joyfully," a word that reflected his attitude and outlook on life.
Steve's journey with cancer began in April 2014, when he was diagnosed with a tumor in his pancreas that had spread to his liver. He was told that he had only a few months to live. He decided to undergo chemotherapy and other treatments, not to prolong his life, but to improve its quality and to participate in God's work in the world. He also decided to share his journey with others through CaringBridge, where he posted regular updates on his condition, his thoughts, his feelings, and his prayers. He wrote with candor, courage, and curiosity, inviting his readers to join him in exploring the mysteries and mysteries of God's ways.
Some of the reflections and insights that Steve shared on CaringBridge include:
"I don't think of myself as dying. I think of myself as living with cancer."
"I am not afraid of death. I am afraid of pain and suffering. But I know that God will be with me in whatever I face."
"I don't know what God is doing in all of this. But I know that God is good and that God loves me."
"I don't have any regrets about my life. I have done what God has called me to do. I have loved and been loved by many people."
"I don't have any expectations about what will happen after I die. I trust that God will take care of me and welcome me home."
"I don't have any agenda for my remaining days. I just want to be faithful to God and to love the people around me."
The Journey of Sharol Hayner
Sharol Hayner was Steve's wife of 42 years, his partner in ministry, his best friend, and his caregiver. She was also a leader, teacher, mentor, and friend in her own right. She had a heart for women's ministry and a gift for hospitality. She served as director of women's ministry at Peachtree Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia, where she taught Bible studies, led retreats, and mentored younger women. She was also a mother of three children and a grandmother of six grandchildren who adored her.
Sharol's journey with Steve's cancer was one of love, sacrifice, strength, and grace. She supported and cared for Steve during his illness, accompanying him to doctor's appointments, administering his medications, managing his symptoms, and making him comfortable. She also shared her journey with others through CaringBridge, where she posted regular updates on Steve's condition, her thoughts, her feelings, and her prayers. She wrote with honesty, vulnerability, and hope, inviting her readers to join her in finding God's presence and peace in the midst of pain and loss.
Some of the reflections and insights that Sharol shared on CaringBridge include:
"I love Steve more than words can say. He is my soulmate, my companion, my hero."
"I am grateful for every moment we have together. We cherish the simple things like holding hands, watching sunsets, listening to music."
"I am sad for what we are losing. We have so many dreams and plans that will never come true."
"I am angry at cancer for robbing us of our future. It is not fair that such a good man has to suffer so much."
"I am scared of what lies ahead. I don't know how I will live without Steve."
"I am hopeful for what God has prepared for us. I believe that God has a purpose for our lives and a place for us in heaven."
The Journey of Their Family and Friends
Steve and Sharol's journey was not only theirs but also their family's and friends'. They had three children: Emilie (married to Alex), Tom (married to Angela), and Chris (married to Rachel). They also had six grandchildren: Ellie (7), Sam (5), Ben (4), Luke (3), Will (2), and Kate (1). They were very The Journey of Their Family and Friends
Steve and Sharol's journey was not only theirs but also their family's and friends'. They had three children: Emilie (married to Alex), Tom (married to Angela), and Chris (married to Rachel). They also had six grandchildren: Ellie (7), Sam (5), Ben (4), Luke (3), Will (2), and Kate (1). They were very close to their family and enjoyed spending time with them, especially during holidays and vacations. They also had a wide network of friends and colleagues from their various ministries and contexts. They were loved and respected by many people who admired their faith, character, and leadership.
Steve and Sharol's family and friends joined them in their journey in various ways. They visited them at home or in the hospital, brought them meals and gifts, sent them cards and emails, prayed for them and with them, and supported them emotionally and practically. They also followed their updates on CaringBridge, where they left thousands of comments expressing their love, gratitude, encouragement, and faith. They shared their own stories and testimonies of how Steve and Sharol had impacted their lives and how they were inspired by their journey. They also celebrated with them the milestones and moments of joy that they experienced along the way.
Some of the ways that Steve and Sharol's family and friends expressed their love and faith on CaringBridge include:
"We are so thankful for your example of living fully in the present moment, trusting God for each day, and finding joy in the midst of pain."
"We are praying for you constantly, asking God to give you strength, peace, comfort, and healing."
"We are amazed by your courage, grace, and hope as you face this challenge. You are teaching us how to live and die well."
"We are honored to be part of your journey. You are a blessing to us and to many others."
"We are looking forward to seeing you again in heaven, where there will be no more tears, pain, or death."
The Journey of Faith
Steve and Sharol's journey was rooted in their faith in God. They had a deep and personal relationship with God that shaped their worldview, values, and decisions. They believed that God was sovereign, good, loving, faithful, and gracious. They trusted that God had a plan and a purpose for their lives, even when they did not understand it. They sought to follow God's will and to glorify God in everything they did. They also relied on God's presence, power, and promises to sustain them in their darkest moments.
Steve and Sharol's journey was also guided by their faith in God's Word. They loved the Bible and studied it diligently. They found comfort, wisdom, direction, and hope in its pages. They memorized and meditated on its verses. They applied its teachings to their lives. They also shared its message with others through teaching, preaching, writing, and witnessing. They based their faith not on their feelings or circumstances but on God's Word.
Some of the biblical themes and passages that inspired and guided Steve and Sharol on their journey include:
The 23rd Psalm: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want...Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me...Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
The Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are those who mourn; for they shall be comforted...Blessed are those who hunger The Journey of Joy
Steve and Sharol's journey was marked by joy despite their circumstances. They did not deny or minimize their pain and loss, but they also did not let them overshadow their joy and gratitude. They chose to focus on the gifts and blessings that God had given them, rather than on the problems and challenges that they faced. They chose to celebrate and enjoy the life that they had, rather than to mourn and regret the life that they were losing. They chose to share and spread their joy with others, rather than to keep it to themselves or to hide it from others.
Steve and Sharol's journey was also filled with joy from various sources and expressions. They found joy in their relationship with God, who was their source of strength, comfort, and hope. They found joy in their relationship with each other, who was their partner, friend, and companion. They found joy in their relationship with their family and friends, who were their support, encouragement, and inspiration. They found joy in their ministry and service, which were their calling, passion, and legacy. They found joy in their hobbies and interests, which were their outlets, pleasures, and fun.
Some of the quotes and poems that captured Steve and Sharol's joyous spirit include:
"Joy is not a denial of reality but a window into a larger reality."
"Joy is not a feeling but a choice."
"Joy is not a luxury but a necessity."
"Joy is not a destination but a journey."
"Joy is not something we have but something we are."
"Joy is the serious business of heaven." - C.S. Lewis
"Joy is the echo of God's life within us." - Joseph Marmion
"Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
"Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are." - Marianne Williamson
"Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls." - Mother Teresa
"I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life; He gave me life that I might enjoy all things." - Anonymous
"Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love, make haste to be kind." - Henri Frederic Amiel
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." - George Bernard Shaw
"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - Maya Angelou
The Journey of Hope
Steve and Sharol's journey was fueled by hope beyond death. They did not fear death or despair over it, but they also did not ignore it or pretend it was not happening. They faced death with realism, dignity, and faith. They prepared for death with peace, grace, and love. They anticipated death with confidence, expectation, and joy. They believed that death was not the end of their story, but the beginning of a new one. They believed that death was not a separation from God, but a reunion with God.
Steve and Sharol's journey was also shaped by hope in Christ's resurrection. They believed that Jesus Christ died for their sins and rose again from the dead, defeating death and sin once and for all. They believed that because Jesus lives, they too will live with him forever. They believed that because Jesus rose again, they too will rise again with new bodies that will never get sick or die. They believed that because Jesus ascended to heaven, they too will ascend to heaven where they will see him face to face.
Some of the images and metaphors that illustrated Steve and Sharol's hope for eternity include:
A butterfly emerging from a cocoon
A caterpillar transforming into a butterfly
A seed falling into the ground and dying to produce much fruit
A flower blooming in the spring after a long winter
A sunrise after a dark night
A rainbow after a storm
A pearl formed from a grain of sand
A diamond formed from a piece of coal
A treasure hidden in a field
A banquet prepared by a king
A wedding feast of the Lamb
A mansion prepared by the Father
A city with streets of gold and gates of pearl
A garden with a river of life and a tree of life
A new heaven and a new earth where there is no more crying, pain, or death
Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death is a book that will touch your heart, challenge your mind, and inspire your soul. It is a book that will make you laugh, cry, think, and pray. It is a book that will help you find joy in your own journey, whatever it may be. It is a book that will remind you of the abundant life that God offers you in the midst of death.
Steve and Sharol Hayner lived and died well. They left behind a legacy of love, faith, and joy that will continue to impact many people for years to come. They also left behind a gift of hope that will encourage and comfort those who are facing death or grief. They invite you to join them in finding abundance in the shadow of death. They invite you to join them in finding joy in the journey.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the book and the authors:
Who are Steve and Sharol Hayner?
Steve and Sharol Hayner were Christian leaders, teachers, mentors, and friends who served God in various ministries and contexts. Steve was the former president of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and Columbia Theological Seminary. Sharol was the former director of women's ministry at Peachtree Presbyterian Church. They were married for 42 years and had three children and six grandchildren.
What is CaringBridge?
CaringBridge is a website that allows people to share updates and messages with their loved ones during a health crisis. Steve and Sharol used CaringBridge to communicate with their family and friends during Steve's battle with pancreatic cancer. Their posts were read by tens of thousands of people who were touched and inspired by their journey.
What is the main message and purpose of the book?
The main message and purpose of the book is to share Steve and Sharol's journey with cancer and to show how they found abundance in the shadow of death. The book is also meant to help readers who are facing death or grief, or who want to support someone who is, to find joy in their own journey.
How is the book organized?
The book is organized into eight chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of Steve and Sharol's journey: introduction, Steve's journey, Sharol's journey, their family and friends' journey, their journey of faith, their journey of joy, their journey of hope, and conclusion. Each chapter contains excerpts from their CaringBridge posts as well as reflections from some of their closest friends.
Where can I buy the book?
You can buy the book online from Amazon or from InterVarsity Press. You can also find it at your local bookstore or library.