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Workaround: Update the plug-ins to use Spring 5. Alternatively, downgrade the vSphere Client to use Spring 4 by uncommenting the line //-DuseOldSpring=true in the /etc/vmware/vmware-vmon/svcCfgfiles/vsphere-ui.json file and restarting the vSphere Client. For more information, see VMware knowledge base article 85632.
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Finally the vSphere 5 download is now available on VMware site: _cloud_infrastructure/vmware_vsphere/5_0 VMware ESXi 5.0 (Build 469512) VMware vCenter 5.0 (Build 456005) Also the official documents is now available: -esxi-vcenter-server-pubs.html
Today, vSphere 6.7 Update 3 became generally available, and anybody can download and install or upgrade, or just use VUM to upgrade. If you only have VMUG Advantage EVALExperience with its (currently) older 6.7 Update 2VMware-VMvisor-Installer-6.7.0.update02-13006603.x86_64.isoyou can instead use use ESXCLI to upgrade which downloads and installs with one command, and doesn't require credentials or software trials. 350c69d7ab